Australian Embassy launches short film competition on climate change

(ANTARA News) - The Australian embassy in Jakarta announced the launching of a short film competition themed Climate Change: What it means to you and your surroundings?.

The Australian embassy in a press release in Denpasar on Friday said they are inviting junior secondary school students from Jabotabek aged 15-19 years old to send their short films of a duration of 3 to 5 minutes on all aspects of climate change.?

The deadline for handing over the films had bee set on February 16, 2010. The accepted films will be announced and screened on February 24 with their winners announced during the "Study In Australia" exhibition in Jakarta on Saturday, February 27, 2010. ? The winners will be given an change to visit Perth for five days under the sponsorship of the "Perth Education City", where they will be introduced to the latest developments of climate changes, other techniques of making short films on studies, and technology of research.

The competition was organized under partnership with the Perth Education City, the Indonesian Nobel Foundation, and the Indonesian Climate Project.

On this, Australian ambassador to Indonesia Bill Farmer said it is important to combine important topics like climate change into our initiative.

Farmer said the competition is aimed at making junior secondary school students to become more aware of climate change issues, their causes, effects, and impacts on their daily life and efforts at reducing their impact. ?

In response, executive director of the Indonesian Nobel Foundation Lukman Niode said in this case the young students will see the role of science and technology in facing climate change problems.?

Mike Ryan of Perth Education City said "We are very happy to be seen in this project.

The message from this competition to the students is that climate change starts with change in thoughts, so that we in a natural way wish to be seen because Perth is the right destination for the education of thoughts and the development of knowledge.(*)
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WWF launches campaign to save Sumatran tiger

WWF launches campaign to save Sumatran tiger
Sumatran tigers. (ANTARA/Widodo S. Jusuf)
(ANTARA News) - The World Wildlife Fund (WWF) Indonesia is to launch a public campaign in support of efforts to conserve the Sumatran tiger, a spokesperson said.

The campaign as part of WWF`s "Year of the Tiger" program would be held in Jakarta February 12-13 and involve many elements of society, including environmental activists, governmental agencies handling environmental matters and the business community, Desnarita Murni, a WWF Indonesia coordinator, said here Thursday.

The purpose of the campaign was to persuade the general public to develop concern for the fate of the Sumatran tiger which was the only surviving tiger species in Indonesia, she said.

"The number of Sumatran tigers living in the wild in Indonesia has now declined to about 400, So we must all do our best to preserve them, if we don`t want the species to die out," Murni said.

The Sumatran tiger had become endangered because of the high frequency of tiger-hunting activity.

"Trade in tiger body parts is continuing. More and more tiger habitats are being destroyed by human activities. So, if we don`t take joint actions, their extinction will only be a matter of time," she said.

WWF had also invited the government, the business world and other parties to take part in the campaign, "Preservation of our bio-diversity requires the cooperation of all. WWF cannot work without the support of other parties," Murni said.(*)